Sunday, 29 August 2010

Training Week 39 Recap

A very late evening to all,

The business end of my training is upon me. Having produced a productive week last week, it was imperative to continue the good work and really make every run count this week. I just got back from my 3 hour long run and it was surprisingly good, although obviously I am pretty tired now! Maybe the rain made things easier with the cooler temperatures as well. Here's how it went.

Type: Recovery
Time and Distance: 31 mins 19 secs, 5 km.

Type: Recovery
Time and Distance: 47 mins 10 secs, 7.5 km.

Type: Recovery
Time and Distance: 29 mins 7 secs, 4.4 km.

Type: Mixed pace
Time and Distance: 85 mins 11 secs, 17.75 km.
Detail: Warmed up for 15 mins (2.4 km). Did 20 mins at marathon pace, with 90 secs recovery (approx 4.56 km). Did 5 x 3 mins at 10k pace, with 90 secs recovery (approx 760m). Did 20 mins at marathon pace, with 90 secs recovery (approx 4.55 km). Cool down for approx 15 mins (2.4 km).

Type: Recovery
Time and Distance: 46 mins, 7.5 km.

Type: Recovery
Time and Distance: 32 mins, 4.9 km.

Type: Long run + marathon pace
Time and Distance: 176 mins 25 secs, 33.5 km.
Detail: First two hours at relaxed steady pace, followed by the final hour at marathon pace.

Total Weekly Distance: 80.55 km

Comments: A great week. The mileage is a little lower than last week, but last week I put in a huge interval session which blew out the weekly mileage. The long run was surprisingly good, the first two hours were going at a steady pace, and I didn't really feel fatigued. It was only in the final hour where I had to accelerate to marathon pace when things got a little tough. I didn't really get it taken out of me at that stage, but I was made to work, even in a semi-fatigued state. Let's see how I'll end up tomorrow!

Improvements: The final key week next week, and while the longest run is now behind me(!), there will be quicker sessions from here till race day, to give the legs a lot of energy.

Only 4 more weeks to Berlin. 1 more week of quality training, and then the mandatory taper period begins.

Counting the days,
