Sunday, 18 April 2010

Training Week 20 Recap

Hey guys,

This week's training recap is a little short, having only returned back from Holland mid week, so I've only gotten 2 training runs in. Here is the lowdown.

Type: Easy
Time and Distance: 79 mins, 12.5 km.
Detail: Very easy and conversational. Probably the slowest I've run all year.

Type: Steady
Time and Distance: 90 mins, 17.8 km.
Detail: Not my best run, started too fast, had a weak middle, and then a fast finish.

Total Weekly Distance: 30.3 km.

Comments: Just a low volume week to get the rust off.

Improvements: Next week I'm planning a few tough sessions, so hopefully I'll get those benefits I'm hoping for. Hello, threshold runs and continuous hills.

To close, I've managed to get my personal pictures from the Rotterdam Marathon, which I'll include here. Some of them aren't of me, but they're so good I had to put them in.
These two pictures are my favourites. Presumably father and son, two kids give a beer to a runner just a couple of hundred metres from the finish. Just metres back, I'm behind the runner in the green t-shirt.
Good kid. I'll drink this beer quickly and then cross the finish!
A few metres back, I'm making my move towards the finish.
Thinking of a beer right now!
Nope, a beer is a diuretic. Just ask that old man on the right.
Overtaking the guy in green and the guy with the beer, and on towards the finish! No beer for me, but I'm cool with that!

