Hi folks,
Well I'm pretty sure you want to know about the Reading Half Marathon. All I can say is that I set a new PB of 1:34:35 in the half marathon, but I didn't meet my target time of 1:30:00. I'll write a report on the race once I've articulated my thoughts a little better. But first, the week's training recap.
Type: Intervals
Time and Distance: 40 mins, 7.4 km.
Detail: 15 mins at 10.5 km/h pace. 6 x 1 min at 17.0 - 17.5 km/h pace, with 90 secs recovery at 8 km/h pace after intervals. 4 x 30 secs at 18 - 20 km/h pace, with 60 secs recovery at 8 km/h pace.
Type: Intervals
Time and Distance: 35 mins, 6.45 km.
Detail: 15 mins at 10.5 km/h pace. 4 x 75 secs at 16.0 - 16.6 km/h pace, with 2 mins recovery at 8 km/h pace after intervals. 4 x 30 secs at 17 - 18 km/h pace, with 60 secs recovery at 8 km/h pace.
Type: Half Marathon
Time and Distance: 94 mins 35 secs, 21.1 km.
Detail: Splits: 5 km: 22:29. 10 km: 44:05. 15 km: 66:54. 20 km: 89:41.
Time between splits: Ran 21:36 between 5-10 km. Ran 22:49 between 10-15 km. Ran 22:47 between 15-20 km. Ran 4:54 from 20 km to the finish.
Average pace between splits: 5 km: 4:29 min/km (13.34 km/h). 10 km: 4:19 min/km (13.88 km/h). 15 km: 4:33 min/km (13.15 km/h). 20 km: 4:33 min/km (13.17 km/h). Finish: 4:27 min/km (13:47 km/h).
Slowed down in the 2nd half of the race.
Total Weekly Distance: 34.95 km.
Comments: Nothing much to say in this week. This was the 2nd week of taper before the Reading Half Marathon. I'll write more on the Reading Half Marathon in a separate post.
Improvements: For the whole of next week I'll be taking it easy. Strangely enough, I actually feel like going for a run now, but it'll probably be a different story when I wake up with sore muscles in the morning! When preparing for Reading, I haven't really given the Rotterdam Marathon any thought, and it's in 3 weeks time! Thankfully it's only going to be a glorified training long run, and not the real thing.
I'll start writing up my race report for the Reading Half Marathon right now. This is one report you don't want to miss.