Monday, 8 February 2010

Training Week 10 Recap

Hi guys,

I'm now back in the UK. I was a bit worried that the move between countries would disrupt my running, but fortunately I've managed to run 5 days this week and I've even found a treadmill to do my faster running on. And I guess they have been pretty high quality. Here's a recap of week 10.

Type: Easy.
Time and Distance: 43 mins 18 secs, 7.6 km.

Type: Easy.
Time and Distance: 47 mins 8 secs, 8.95 km.

Type: Intervals.
Time and Distance: 50 mins, 10.3 km.
Detail: 20 mins at 10.5 km/h pace. 4 x 1600m at 15.0, 15.1, 15.2, 15.3 km/h pace, followed by 2 mins at 8.0 km/h pace for recovery.

Type: Easy.
Time and Distance: 103 mins, 18 km.

Type: Easy.
Time and Distance: 79 mins, 15.5 km.

Total Weekly Distance: 60.35 km.

Comments: A very good week, despite the disruption. This week was slim on speed work, as the majority of my running have been easy mileage builders, as well as exploring the parts of the town where I could do my running. I've found the perfect route to do my longer/easier running so I'll be adding those in. The interval session was very hard. I may have to drop the pace a little.

Improvements: I'm hoping that I can extend my long run this weekend to around the 25 km mark, or 2 hours 15 minutes. Hopefully no snow forecast this week. I'm also mindful about looking after myself too. I'm feeling quite sore in my legs, and being winter here I'm also mindful about falling ill, which I can't really afford at this time.

There's only six weeks to go to the Reading Half Marathon on Sunday 21st March. In reality, six weeks of training only allows me four weeks of very hard effort and two weeks of easy effort or taper, so that's not a lot of time available! As I've blogged before, I'd love to break 1:30:00 this time, but whether I can pull that off will be a different story. I'd be stoked if I could, as that will give me a positive indicator of how my overall training is going.

Still soldiering on,
