Sunday, 10 January 2010

Training Week 6 Recap

Hi guys,

This post is a recap of the training I did for this week. At the end of every week I will try to recap on the training, to show what I've done and what I can improve on for the next week.

By the way, excuse the fact that the title says Week 6. At the end of last year, I did 4 weeks of irregular training before I started this blog, and one week was skipped entirely due to holidays. I don't think I'll record those weeks here. Now that I've more or less settled into my routine, I'll be starting the count at Week 6 if you don't mind.

Type: Intervals.
Time and Distance: 50 mins, 9 km.
Detail: 20 mins at 10.5 km/h pace. 4 x 200m at 16.0 km/h pace, followed by 200m at 8.0 pace. 2 x 400m at 16.0 pace, followed by 400m at 8.0 pace. 1 x 800m at 16.0 pace, followed by 800m at 8.0 pace.

Type: Easy with hills.
Time and Distance: 37 mins, 7.4 km.
Detail: First half at 19:20. Second half at 17:40.

Type: Tempo.
Time and Distance: 55 mins, 11 km.
Detail: 20 mins at 10.5 km/h pace. 20 mins at 13.5 km/h pace. 10 mins at 14.0 km/h pace. 5 mins at 8.5 km/h pace.

Type: Easy.
Time and Distance: 90 mins, 16.75 km.
Detail: 20 mins at 10.5 km/h pace. 20 mins at 11.0 km/h pace. 20 mins at 11.5 km/h pace. 20 mins at 12.0 km/h pace. 10 mins at 10.5 km/h pace.

Total Weekly Distance: 44.15 km.

Comments: Pretty happy with the Saturday easy run. I felt that I could have gone faster and/or further. The Thursday tempo run was pretty much what I started on when I trained for Berlin last year, so to get through that session unscathed was quite pleasing, as I've not done any hard running since last September. I'd be keen to increase the effort on that. The Tuesday interval session was probably a little tough to start with. I'll probably keep the effort as it is for now.

Improvements: For the easy run, increase the time spent from 90 mins, and increase the pace a little bit. For the tempo run, increase the pace, but keep the time spent on the tempo portion the same. For the interval run, keep the effort as it is, but if I could I'd try to include an interval of maybe 1000m or more at that pace effort. Finally, increase the weekly distance to around 50 km.

I'm pretty happy with this effort. It's the first week of structured training I've managed to do, as the previous weeks were a little haphazard, with work closing for the year, Christmas and holidays. Now that I've gotten into a groove, I'd be keen to improve on this effort for the next week.

Hope this helps (both you and me),
